Enjoy Winter in Hokkaido대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-01-03 17:23:52

▲ Hokkaido is one of the best attractions in winter.

As winter vacation is coming, the number of people who prepare for an overseas trip is increasing. The most popular places to travel are Hokkaido, Hawaii, and Guam.

Hokkaido is one of the best places to travel in the winter season. It was unexplored regions where Ainu people were living. However, it started developing after the Meiji restoration. Hokkaido has diverse attractions such as a large-size national park, golf course, and a ski resort with beautiful nature around there.

Sapporo is the biggest city of Hokkaido. It means dry and the vast expanse ground in Ainu. There is Susukino Street in Sapporo, and there are a lot of department stores and outlets that attract the tourists. You can also taste delicious Sapporo ramen.

▲ exotic buildings in Hakodate looks like San Francisco.

Another city in Hokkaido is Hakodate. It has a beautiful night view. Because of its exotic buildings like San Francisco, it has appeared in Japanese movie and CF.

▲ Otaru is famous for orgel and diverse souvenirs.

Otaru is a city of romance. In the daytime, stores range along the road and in the night time, it is a nice street to take a walk. It is also famous for glass art and orgel. Kitaichi Glass Craft Shop Street is full of artifacts. There are 100-thousand species of glass artifacts in the world. Here is popular for women because of cute orgel and diverse souvenirs.

▲ Sapporo Nobori Bath is one of the best springs In Japan.

It is impossible to skip spring in Hokkaido. Sapporo Nobori Bath is one of the best springs. It produces about ten thousand ton of water everyday. It is called spring department store because of diverse kinds of mineral water.

▲ One of the foods you should eat in Hokkaido is a hairy crab and beer.
▲ Sapporo was one of the beer areas.

One of the foods you should eat is a hairy crab and beer. You can eat a hairy crab in the east region of Hokkaido. It tastes fresh and simple. Sapporo is one of the beer areas. You should have a good vacation with your family in Hokkaido.

Dec 21st, By 송주연


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