A Trip Down Memory Lane at the Train Stations대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-01-04 10:13:19

These days, some people want to go traveling to the places where they can enjoy the old days including palaces, traditional markets, small comic book rental stores, coffee shops named Dabang, and so many other places. Today's city pursuits speedy and fast. However, these places go very slow, and they evoke the past memories. The old train stations are the places that recall past memories.

New transportation routes have emerged rapidly, so trains no longer stop in some small train stations. Even if they stop running, the old stations hope to enjoy quiet moments and have recollections, such as the Goyang Byeokje Station, Jangheung Station and some other stations. Moreover, there is a special case about train stations. For example, there is the Iryeong Station in Yangju, which is known to the public because of the K-pop artist BTS's music video "Spring Day." Because of this, the number of visitors that visit that train station increase rapidly.

▲ Iryeong Station where BTS takes a music video

There are some special train stations, which roads turned into rail bicycle roads. Mungyeong Rail Bike and Ganhyeon Station are no longer running, so their roads are now rail bicycle's road! They have beautiful landscapes and tunnels along the road.

▲ Mungyeong Rail Bike, which roads turned into rail bicycle roads

Also, there is a place which is not a station, but it is where we can see many gathered old trains, which is called the Railroad Museum. There are so many old trains like dove line, which run from 1967 to 2000, unification line, which runs from 1955 to 2004, a narrow gauge railway, which carried the salt, and some other old trains. This place can recollect your memories and give dreams and hope to the children.

▲ There are so many old trains in Railroad Museum.

Today's people pursue traveling somewhere famous or abroad. However, people who travel to the past are increasing rapidly because they want to feel the slowness and being free. If you are scheduling for your travel which includes traveling to the past, how about the old days' train stations, which do not run anymore? They can recall your precious memories and encourage the children to have dreams and hopes. Let us evoke our past and enjoy it!

Dec.23rd, by Taehee Lim


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