Researching New Drugs as a Pharmacist대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-01-14 10:31:50

With the rising amounts of appearing new diseases, every year, the presence of the pharmacists is needed in many places. Therefore, it is one of the most promising jobs in the future. The work of the pharmacists is to help people save their precious lives with their ability to develop new drugs.

▲ Developing new drugs

Pharmacists work in pharmaceutical companies to research new cures. The steps of developing the cures are to discover, to design new compounds, and to research their effects after making the experimental compounds. First, they must go through long researches to discover the compounds that have effective impacts in curing the diseases. Then, they design the compounds for them to work well in the human body. Next, they do experiments and researches to verify their real effects and finally merchandise their medicine.

▲ A Pharmacist who is conducting a research

It may seem difficult and hard to work as a pharmacist, but it will help you to cultivate yourself if you work as a pharmacist. In the interview which was conducted by an employment company with a pharmacist who works in Hanmi Pharmaceutical, you can learn how pharmacists can cultivate you in multiple ways. The pharmacist said that he chose the job of pharmacist because he wished that there would be more medicines for sick people when he was young, and he wanted to develop a medicine by himself for them. Also, he added that He uses different tools and compounds to develop new drugs. Although it is hard to research for a new cure, it has a lot of advantages that can help him cultivate himself. 

The challenges happen during the process make him feel challenged during the multiple trials. Also, there are more failures, but he feels like growing in himself about his knowledge and ability to conduct an experiment. For the job applicants and students who want to be a pharmacist, he said that they need creativity, fancifulness, and a positive mind that they believe that they can solve any problems. By this interview, you will know how good is to work as a pharmacist. Also, there are some qualifications to be a pharmacist. There is no need to have many certificates in specific fields. However, study for a masters degree is needed in fields, such as biology, life science, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy, and many others. It is because you need knowledge about biology, natural science in this work.

These days, more and more diseases are rapidly appearing. Therefore, the work of the pharmacists which saves a lot of lives with their new drugs will be irreplaceable with other jobs. Working as a pharmacist will also help you to cultivate yourself to learn positive effects on you. It will be very a challenging job, but will you reject the chance to cultivate yourself by working for your society?


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