A Festival, Most Students Love대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-01-30 14:38:58

There is a special festival in Okdong Middle School. The festival is held every other year. In 2018, the festival was held on December 5. All students gather in the school gymnasium and watch the talent show such as signing, acting, and dancing. It can be a great chance to make friends because there are many people, watch together, and share own feeling about the performance.

Chun Jae Woong, a second-year student in Okdong Middle School who is participating in the performance, said "That he likes dancing, but he did not have a chance to show his dancing ability. Today is the day when he could show his dancing ability." He also said that at first, he was so nervous that his hands and feet trembled. Actually, when he went on a stage, he did not feel nervous but surprised because there were so many people, and it was his first time to perform in front of many people. Lastly, he said that it was so nice time, and this festival has to be more times.

To be different from other school festivals, the third-year students and school making club prepare some snacks for first-year students and second-year students. Because of these activities such as performance and some snacks, it is a good chance to make friends, and the school mood can be better than usual. That is the reason why most students like this festival.

Although there are a lot of advantages, there are some opinions that school festival has to be banned because of the safety problem. Accidents can occur because there are too many people, but the place is too small. The school is necessary to solve this problem for a safer school festival. A festival which is held in Okdong Middle School is different from other festivals because of these reasons.

▲ students who are dancing at the festival


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