How To Be an Employee of an International Organization대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-01-14 11:23:20

International organizations are organizations that work for international society. Some of them are in charge of some parts of the international economy, some of them save dangerous people, and some of them work to prevent global warming. UN, UNICEF, and WTO are famous examples for international organizations. They are all assigned important roles in international society. 

▲ Most Famous International Organization, UN

To be a member of an international organization, a person needs to fulfill five conditions: language, professionalism, experience, physical and passion. Especially, as a member of an international organization, language is an essential ability because there are numerous works for a person to use foreign languages, not only English but also another language like Chinese as needed as often.

For the experience and professionalism, there are some internship programs. JPO, UNV, and YPP help applicants fulfill the conditions. One of them, JPO(Junior Professional Officer) is a program from governments. Through JPO, government dispatch applicants to worldwide organizations to help their fellow countrymen become a member of an international organization. However, this program requires extremely high language skills like the score over 107 in TOEFL examination. Only ten of the applicants are sent to the organizations from interview to learn fundamental skills in international organizations. After the JPO program, about 80 percent of the applicants are sent to the international organizations as an official member. YPP, Young Professional Program, is a similar internship program with JPO, but it is performed by UN. YPP successful applicants are usually sent to UN, OECD, UNESCO or UNICEF.

UNV is United Nations Volunteer. When UN needs volunteers, they recruit people with UNV program. They usually work for volunteer works, such as saving dangerous children or humanitarian and peacekeeping operations. In addition, there are other various internship programs for international organizations.


In South Korea, the foreign ministry made an internet site for international organization applicants, The International Organizations Recruit Center. People can earn much information about the job at the center.

Jan 12th, by Park Ye-Seo


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