Hocance: Having Vacation in a Hotel대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-01-30 15:37:30

This summer, it was so hot in South Korea. Its average temperature is higher than the last year, so people had a difficulty about it. Even if the weather was hot, they wanted to go on a vacation! Lexically, a vacation is a period which you relax and enjoy yourself away from home. Vacation gives people something enjoyable and comfortable. Some campings can have a close relationship with surrounding people, they can meet some new friends. However, this summer was too hot to have a vacation outside because of the weather, and it was tiresome.

People prefer something to relax and comfortable while having a vacation. Related to this, in South Korea, hocance was a hot topic among people. Hocance means having a vacation in a hotel. It means having a vacation at home or around the home without going far away. All facilities are set inside and around the hotel, so people do not need to move a lot, and they can relax comfortably. This type of relaxing way is rising because people, who do not want to suffer difficulties after many schedules during vacation, increase a lot.

▲ Last summer, people who wanted to go a vacation suffred traffic congestion.

Moreover, there is a hotel that a lot of people recommend having hocance. It is the Silla Hotel. Silla Hotel is located in Seoul, and it is the prettiest hotel to post on social networking services like Instagram. This place is also chosen by lots of people o Instagram as one of the most beautiful hotels. At night, its sceneries are nice, and people can see the Namsan Tower directly. While seeing the posts people uploaded, you can feel their happiness while having hocance there.

▲ One of the most famous hotels: Silla Hotel in Seoul

Many people are satisfied with their own hocance and recommend having it. Among them, one person who has a baby and went hocance in summer said that you have a vacation in a hotel, you may not have stress such as traffic congestion, the heat, and a lot of charges. Also, you can solve the pool, breakfast and room services at just one place! Moreover, you can put a baby to sleep whenever the baby wants. In winter, it is so cold to have a vacation outside. Then, how about having hocance inside the hotel and keeping you warm? You must enjoy your vacation and relax comfortably.

▲ Now, people can enjoy their vacation only in hotel comfortably.

Jan.13th, by Taehee Lim


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