Gulhwa Elementary School‘s Special Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-14 10:45:06

In November every year, a special event is held in Gulhwa Elementary School. It is called "Finding our dream and talent!" During the last festival, the students in Gulhwa Elementary School prepared and practiced really hard and showed their talent in the school. First of all, I will tell you about the festival's pros and cons.

We can find advantages of the festival. First, many students can enjoy. Enjoying is a very important portion of this festival. Second, teachers can also participate. For instance, last year, Gulhwa principle participated in the festival with his piano talent. Because he set a good example to students, the students felt moved, and they gave a big hand. Third, students can feel worthy because of their products. Last year, they practiced and prepared really hard, and they felt very nervous. However, they felt worthy after their presentation.

▲ School held the festival in the gym. Source : Google

The festival does not have only advantages but also disadvantages. First, the show was too short, and the show was held in a too small area. Second, the students could only participate after schooling, but they had to pay extra money todo after schooling. Because of that, other students only watched them except for the 2MC.

I wondered how the students felt after the festival, so I interviewed Nam Hanseul who participated in the festival. She said that was so hard to practice and prepare, but when she showed her talent to other people, I was so proud of herself and excited."

▲ I interviewed with two people named ˝Nam Hanseul˝ and ˝Wang Sungjae˝. Source : Google

The festival was presented with a flute, jump romp with music, violin, guitar, traditional Korean songs, dance, and the principle's piano. In addition, the 2MC who are the school student president and vice president proceeded the festival. They talked to each other about the festival like a radio.

Wang Sungjae who played guitar at the festival said that "they want to listen carefully to our music and want to be given a big hand." Likewise, the participants really wanted to be given a big hand and praised by them. From now on, we should praise them and enjoy together when we watch a show!


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