A Special Event in Janggeom Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-06 11:19:33

What kind of special events does your school have? In Janggeom Middle School, there is a mini concert. Mini concert is a special concert which is only at Janggeom Middle School. In the mini concert, all students can join if they want, and it is held once a month. In that day, we can see many students' talent. In a school festival, only a few students can show their talent, but mini concert is held often, so many students can show their talents.

▲ source: janggeom.ms.kr, Band performance

Here is an interview with the broadcasting department students who prepare for the mini concert and take care of the event from the start to end. In the interview, she said that the mini concert is good because we can see many students' talents and we can do what we want to do while we are watching them perform. Also, it is good for all students because most of them are want to be a musician, so they can practice doing something in front of many people.

However, some say that having a mini concert is not so good. It is because it is hard to prepare, and in our school, there is not enough equipment, so we always borrow from other teachers. Also, we do a mini concert in the fourth floor's home base, where students can take a rest. However, the home base is not enough place to all of the students who come and watch the concert. So, they said that this mini concert must not be continued. However, most of the students like the mini concert, and in contrast with other common events, it is special, and it is only in Janggeom Middle School, so, it represents the middle school students. So, it is not good to stop the mini concert.

Mini concert is a special event which can only be witnessed at Janggeom Middle School. Most of the students can enjoy and participate in the concert. However, some people think that it should be stopped because it causes many problems. However, there are more people who like it, and based on the interview, it has many advantages. Also, it represents Janggeom Middle School, so it is better to keep this event.

▲ source: janggeom.ms.kr, Ukulele performance


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