Sineon Middle School‘s History Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-06 11:34:54

How do you remember your class contents after your class? Usually, I explain the contents to my friends and write it on paper. Many people immediately forget what has been learned. So, one school in the state of Ulsan, Sineon Middle School, decided to make history rap by using an application. From that, students who made the historical rap could get to know about the incident and national happenings well.

▲ They are talking about history project.

Sineon Middles School's history project is making rap in history class. The project consists of groups of five members. Students do this project in history class and gather in their free time. To make a history rap, they need a paper, application and colored pencil. Most especially, they need a smartphone application that will make the lyrics fo a song, into rap and scan the cover of the song. Historical rap's range was from the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 up to Manchu War of 1636. Group members must write lyrics of a song about an incident. Also, must read and divide the lyrics of the song. After that, the application will make it into a rap, and other members must draw a picture of the incident. Using the application, they scan the picture. Finally, they can add the rap and picture.

In an interview with a junior student from the school, Kim Hayeong, who is done making a historical rap,

▲ The cover of the rap.

when she did her first project to make rap, she was so surprised because of using a phone. Originally, she did not know about the history before. By making the history rap, she was able to know the history well unlike when just reading a history book. Moreover, the contents of the project stayed longer in her brain. Also, by singing the song, her friendship with her friend strengthen. She felt pleasure.

The history project makes the students remember the contents longer. In addition, the students know the national happenings. Generally, participating students said that contents stayed longer in their brain. After finishing the project, they did peer assessment, and the result was high.

By making the history project, students remember the contents well. This project already started in other middle schools. The view of making historical rap will be spread to other schools in the future.

By Lim Sunkyung


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