The Seo Seon Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-06 11:39:28

As the principal of the school announced the winners, students cheered loudly. It was the moment they were paid for the hard work of the last month. The scream of joy filled the entire hall. The same happened as the class representative got a certificate from the principal. After, students took pictures with their classmates to celebrate the festival, which only takes place once in a year.

On January 8th to 10th, Seo Girl's Middle School in Ulsan held a festival named “Seo Seon Festival”. On January 8th, a preliminary round of the pop song contest took place. In Seo Girl's Middle School, there were eight classes of newcomers, nine classes of sophomores, and nine classes of the senior. Through the preliminary round, two classes of each grade were qualified to stand on the stage in the hall. On the second day of the festival, a yard sale and booths of each class took place. On this day, students were allowed to make and sell things in their classes. For instance, students made ramyeon, waffles, and chicken pops and sold them to other students. Half of the total profit was donated.

▲ Preliminary of the pop song contest

▲ The booth held on the second day of the festival

Finally, on the last day of the festival, the real Seo Seon Carnival took place. The classes who had been qualified to stand on the stage performing, and they were scored by teachers. Also, a lot of students performed on stage, including dancing, singing, and ballet. The prize lottery was also taken place on the day. The lottery ticket was able to submit the day earlier in the art expedition room. The special feature of the event was that it ended very quickly. The carnival lasted for only about four hours while the former carnivals lasted for over six hours, due to the fact that the school lunch could not be moved out. The carnival was held at KBS Hall, so the school had to dismiss students before lunchtime.

▲ The 21th Seo Seon Festival

The “Seo Seon Festival” is a day for reconciliation between students from the three grades and teachers. It was the first festival to the freshmen and the last to the seniors. Whatever grade they were in and whatever place they were at, they all did a good job and worked hard for the festival. It was a true event that brought harmony and unity to students and teachers in “Seo Seon Middle School.”

January 18th, 2019, by Jiyun Song


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