Having a Job, a Police Officer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-06 12:06:37

Nowadays, a police officer is a popular job for teenagers. Especially, middle school and high school students want to be a police officer, which is ranked second at students’ hoped job survey in 2016 and 2017. First of all, there are reasons why police officers, so they receive pension a lot more than other jobs, which work in companies, and they are more stable than other jobs. And, some think police officers are nice, and respect them.

▲ Organization chart of the National Police Agency

Such a job, police officer, has so many departments and more. Aside from departments, police have various ranks. Usually, people know that police works to catch criminals. Moreover, this work is included in the Criminal Investigation Bureau. By the way, besides this work, police officers work so many works and always try to keep us safe.

▲ Adolescence`s hope job

I interviewed a police officer. He said that public order is like water. It is because if police officers are not around us, society will live in chaos, and the country, as well as the world, will always be suffering from crime and terror. In this mean, public order is essential, and the police is an important job for people in our society.

The world is being a global world, and society becomes more and more complicated. Thus, society’s law rules our life more. Furthermore, public order is more and more important for the society and people. In this situation, police’s duty is bigger. Then, police will be a more important job for people later. So, the job’s prospect will be good in the future. Thus, police officer’s prospect will be very good in the future.


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