Traditional Seollal Foods and Today‘s Seollal Foods대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-27 12:28:13

When it is Seollal, people visit their relatives. Seollal is also known as the Korean Lunar New Year. On this day, we usually eat rice cake soup and other various and delicious foods. Thus, the number of required food of Seollal is increasing. So, the food companies are looking for their next potential market.

▲ memorial service table

The representative and traditional food of Seollal is rice cake soup which has sliced rice cakes in soup. Also, we eat sweet rice with nuts, injeolmi, and braised short ribs. Before we eat foods, we have a memorial service table. There is a fule for it, which is only simple. In the first line, we put an ancestral tablet, rice cake soup, and chopsticks. In the second line, we put the noodles, griddle pancakes, and cooked fish. In the third line, we put many kinds of soups and dried fish. In the fourth line, we put a sweet rice drink and herbs. Lastly, in the fifth line, we put some kinds of snacks and fruits, such as chestnut, jujube and dried persimmon.

However, preparing and making all of these foods are hard and tiring for some people who cook in the kitchen and for those who are living alone. Also, according to the statistics, the number of people who spend Seollal alone is increasing. People who are living alone usually order Seollal food in a food delivery service because they find it hard to make all the foods of Seollal. They do not have enough ingredients and tools for making Seollal foods. For these people, major conglomerates such as Lotte and GS, make instant Seollal foods. It is easy to cook them. Also, their quality is better and cheaper than buying ingredients for one Seollal food. It may be successful marketing for people today.

▲ giving New Year

The Korean Lunar New Year's day is coming soon. How about spending a good time with your family and eating delicious food? I recommend to those who are living alone to buy some instant Seollal foods.

Feb. 16th, 2019

by Ha Yoono


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