Phone app helps taxi drivers communicate with foreign customers대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-05-25 17:55:23


he state tourism promotion agency has launched a campaign for its smartphone app developed to overcome the linguistic barrier between Korean taxi drivers and foreign customers.

The Korea Tourism Association-developed application is named "Global Taxi Driver."

It can interpret Korean expressions frequently used between taxi drivers and customers in English, Chinese and Japanese, and vice versa. Users can hear native speakers' pronunciations when they click on each sentence.

The app also includes a word book of famous tourist attractions, buildings and subway stations. Other functions include a button to call the 1330 hotline for professional interpreter help.

The association will promote the app on major Seoul and Busan streets until May 31.

"I hope the app will be a big help to taxi drivers as well as foreign visitors," a KTA official said.

Global Taxi Driver can be downloaded free from the Google App Store.


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