기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-20 12:47:02

▲ Winner

On December 19, 2018. The winner came back with the new album, "Millions". The song's genre is a tropical pop dance with a feeling of refreshment. The content of this song is about whispering love to loved one. The purpose of this song is to say millions of reasons why a man loves a certain woman. It was also in the lyrics t

hat among all women in the world, only one really caught their eyes.

▲ Millions album cover

If you hear the song "Millions", its lyrics may be easy to understand. However, there is a meaning in each lyric. First, the highlight of this song is "The reason I like you". The reason why this part is very catchy because of the fans. They did not know that much about the details of the parts of the songs, but the fans let them know. In other words, they were able to notice their detailed parts because of the fans. Also, the last part of Min Ho and Seung Hoon has a rhyme.

Many people anticipate the winner's next comeback song. since "Really Really", which is very popular among the populace. The next songs "Everyday" and "Millions" also won the jackpot. Many bloggers stated that "Millions" is like a pop song, and the lyrics are very cute. Also, the song has a very special genre.

Even though Winner had two years of interregnal, "Really Really" won the jackpot, and many people recognized them. On YouTube, "Millions" and "Everyday" had 300,000 views, and "Really Really" had 1,000,000,00 views.


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