Choongang Middle School Traditional School Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-26 17:07:20

▲ picture of doing sports stacking

What comes into your mind when you think about school? Maybe you will think about the festival, competition, and some other events. Our school has a sports contest. When this contest first began, it was not an official convention of the school. The sports that students enjoyed during lunchtime were appointed by the teachers an official contests of our school.

School sports contest is held during lunchtime. The game is matched by a league match. The students of girls do sports stacking and volleyball, and the students of boys do futsal and soccer. The judges of the game are the third grade students of Choongang Middle School. So, this school sports contest is exclusively run by the students. The teachers only suggest as to when to play. If you win at the final game, you will get a prize.

Kim Min Kyu, one of the students of Choongang Middle School said that if only they can choose what sport to take should have chosen their favorite sport. However, since they cannot, they sometimes worried. Nevertheless, he said that his level of futsal develops, and his health develops, too. He also believes school sports contest has lots of advantages. Also, his friend, Kim Jin Sol, said that she was able to build up her physical strength, and she was able to gain lots of friends because of that event. Most students said that it is a chance of building up their physical strength and making a lot of friends.

▲ picture of doing futsal

However, some students and teachers said that there are a few disadvantages to this sports contest. First of all, some students who take part in the contest cannot take lunch because the school sports contest is held at lunchtime. When the game is over late, the students cannot have lunch. Second, the students who are not chosen mostly lost interest. When choosing the part of a game, most of the classes are drawn in a random way, so it is difficult for the students to choose what sport they want. Lastly, some students do not pay attention to the class because of the school sports contest.

Despite these disadvantages, Choongang Middle School sports contest is still held annually by students. Some say that the time and the venue of this contest need to be changed; however, most students are satisfied and have active participation in the school sports contest. The interviewers of this article said that they still have a lot of flaws, but if they work harder, it will be fixed. They also said that they need to sports contest to become a traditional contest as many students think this contest is good for them.

By Kim Yu Rim


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