Neo Culture Technology대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-27 08:58:36

▲ NCT are dancing the music named Black on Black

Imagine eighteen members performing a unique and charming choreography in front of you. You maybe cannot take your eyes off of them. Neo Culture Technology or NCT is an idol group which makes your eyes entertained.

NCT 2018 is a group of 18 members working together. At the same time, they are free to recruit new members. There are three units in the group with 10 members. The NCT Dream is a group of minors, and when they grow up, they will be released from a group under the name of 'Graduation'. Mark was born in 1999 and graduated from the team. NCT U works in a combination of different members according to the concept. Not just the system, but the dance is unique. Their dance styles such as tearing legs and climbing on other members. There are two members at the center of this dance. First, let me introduce a member named Ten. Ten is very soft and flexible, so he has good and expressive power. He also said that he learned how to exercise using a machine when he was young. Ten also won in a dance competition called Hit the Stage in 2016.

▲ Ten is dancing the music named The Heros

Another member, Taeyeon, dances with details. It has only five years since he danced, but he now dances so carefully that he can even angle his arms and legs. His dance line can be seen at the Busan Asian Festival by watching NCT's Cherry Bomb. He joined the company when he was 18 years old, and at that time, his dance teacher told him that he could not do it. He also said in an interview with The Days that he has heard a lot like a white paper. But, now, he said that he has some paintings on his white canvas and that he is confident. In an interview with Atstyle, Ten is wondering if he can show his charm on the stage. The angle, the look, the gesture, the breath, and the stage will vary, so he keeps working hard and looking for new things.

▲ Tayeong is dancing the music named Boss

Neo Culture Technology which always tries so hard and makes your eyes so pleasant is a new type of idol group. You will never regret it if you like them.


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