Pets, Companion in Traveling대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-30 11:01:09

Whoever grows pets, can imagine going to travel with pets. Also, you will be worried about taking care of your pets in a pet hotel or leaving pets at home alone without a family member to attend to when you go on a trip. However, recently, the industries related to traveling with pets are increasing, and there are many benefits from the airlines when you take your pets. Also, many hotels are launching related services and welcoming them.

Currently, the trend of travel is traveling with pets, and it becomes a normal idea. Also, industries about traveling with pets are targeting pet owners. According to the Ministry of Land and Transportation, in 2015, 28,182 pets were carried on planes, in 2016, 33,437 were carried, and in 2017, 41,343 pets were carried. In 2015 to 2016, it increased by 23.6 percent and 2016 to 2017, it increased by 46.7 percent. As the number of pets carried on planes is increasing, many airlines give benefits to the owners of pets. For example, Jeju Air joined hands with a pet hotel, providing pet service at a low price. Also, Korean Air has a project, which is Skypets, which gives benefits such as discounts and free giveaways when people collect stamps.

▲ people with pets in airplane

If you go to travel with your pets, you need a pet hotel for your pets. you must need a pet hotel for your pets. Many pet owners seek pet-friendly hotels. For example, Daemyung Hotel is planning to run an accommodation service for pets and launch a pet hotel. Also, L'Escape designated 14 rooms which have no carpets considering the health of the pets of pet owners, and the hotel has a restaurant, which has a separate zone for pets. There are more major brand hotels which are planning to build a pet hotel.

▲ enjoying swimming pool in hotel
▲ pet hotel with owner

Pet specialized travel service is now booming in the market, and the more the customers they have, the better the service we receive. For example, Pets Go Travel gives various services to people who travel with their pets. How about making memories with your pets in many countries?

by Ha Yoono


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