Severe Fine Dust in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-30 11:42:13

As time goes by, the fine dust concentration is getting worse in South Korea. Nowadays most areas in the country have high levels of fine dust. So, it is not safe to go around outside now.

▲ The fine dust concentration is getting worse.

The particles smaller than ten micrometers in diameter are called fine dust. They usually occur on roadsides and industrial complexes. About seventy percent of fine dust particles found in South Korean skies come from neighboring Asian countries, mostly from China. Also, they come along with yellow dust from China in the spring. This has become a major threat to public health.

When we are exposed to fine dust, we can have a lot of symptoms that can cause serious problems. Mostly, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases can occur. Also, the death rate can be increased. Especially, children and women should be careful of them.

Therefore, it is safe to stay at home for us not to be exposed to fine dust. Tae-Sung Kim, a professor at Sungkyunkwan University, said that in most parts of South Korea, fine dust concentrations exceeding the high standard are being measured. So, it is safe to stay at home when it is severe. Like this, it is safe to stay at home when the concentration of fine dust is in its high level.

There are some solutions to avoid this problem of fine dust. First, we should not make air pollution worse by using public transportation and recycling. Second, we have to wash our hands when we go out and we come back home. Third, we should wear a mask when we go around outside. Lastly, we have to eat foods, especially those that contain vitamins.

▲ We should wash hands to avoid health problems caused by fine dust.

Fine dust will be more serious in the future if we do not solve this problem as soon as possible. Thus, bad problems like this must be solved for the future generation. We should solve this problem with everyone’s effort.


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