Sinjung Elementary School Events대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-30 11:45:06

There are many school events in Sinjung Elementary school. Most of the school events are enjoyable, and summer and fall field trips and sports day are the most enjoyable school events, so I am going to tell you about these events.

First, in May, we have a sports day. It is one of the most enjoyable school events. It has various games such as running and tug-of-war. All of the school students participate in this event, and most of them like it.

▲ Students are doing tug-of-war.

Second, in June, the students go on a summer field trip. It is not cold in summer, so they go on the field trip outside. Then, the students can enjoy the field trip well. Also, they can eat lunch together, so they can enjoy it more. I asked my friend if he liked the field trip, and he answered that he liked it. Like that, the summer trip is a very popular event.

In October, the students go on an autumn field trip. In contrast with the summer field trip, it is a little cold in autumn, so they usually play inside. When the students go on the field trip, they usually feel tired. However, it is less enjoyable because they cannot play outside, so they cannot enjoy playing. If we play inside or run inside the place like in a museum, we might be kicked by the owner. So, we should be quiet inside in any place.

▲ Students are enjoying the field trip.

There are many school events in Sinjung Elementary School. There are much more events such as sports competition and School Art Festival. However, summer and autumn field trips and sports day are the most enjoyable events. If there are some more useful events, it will be more enjoyable.


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