The Important Job, A Reporter대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-30 11:56:03

Imagine if there is no reporter, how will we know the happenings in the world? A reporter is very important in our life. If we do not have it, we cannot know the happenings in the world. A reporter is someone who reports various facts and events in the world. A reporter is someone who reports various facts. Reporters tell us a variety of information and social facts. It is what they do to inform us. First of all, they are divided into various fields within the profession of journalists: social, cultural, political, economic, international, IT, and science. They have to write different articles for each field assigned to them, but the activities they do before they write are almost the same. They need quick coverage, data collection, interview preparation, and fair writing. When something happens, it is the duty of a reporter who moves most quickly and collects a lot of data.

To be a reporter and to prepare, managing academic background and specifications is the first important thing to do. The university does not care what major you will take in the Department of Newspapers, media, or any other major. You can go to a four-year university and study in the department of journalism, or you can prepare for the test after you major in other subjects. Then, you take care of the specifications, and you need to get a TOEIC score of 900 points from 850 points. Then, you should prepare for the public recruitment test. Second, it is aid that we should pass the press examination, but it is very difficult. It is said that it is more difficult because the choice is narrower than other jobs, and the test is usually a lucky test. One more tip, now a reporter said that we should read a book and read a newspaper every day. I believe we should read newspapers because it is important and very helpful.

If you are a college student who is interested in journalism, what I want to tell you the most is to read the newspaper thoroughly. I want to ask you to read the newspaper because you can know about current events and know what is going on in the world.

2019. 03. 23 By Jung gyubin

▲ 이치열-쉽게찍은사진


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