Sampyung Middle School‘s \"Friends‘ Day of Love\" Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-17 17:13:04

Why do you go to school? There are many reasons, but many people also go there to meet their friends. However, they are not close to all their classmates. So, many schools make a plan for the "Friends' Day of Love" event. Each school has a different way of operating, but it has the same purpose. Sampyung Middle School has the "Friends' Day of Love" event. It is because the purpose of this event is meaningful, and many students like this event.
Sampyung Middle School holds this event twice a year, and once in a semester. Sampyung student council does a free hug with a doll mask and give something to eat at the school's main entrance. We do that to have time for a friend in celebration of friends. In addition, in classes, students make name a friend three o's poems and praise their friends.
Sampyung Middle School
students can be close with their classmates through this opportunity. Students and teachers of Sampyung Middle School are preparing for this event very hard. They meet to plan about "Friends' Day of Love". Next, they are skeptical about when and where to do the event. When the date and time are set, they promote this event. On that day, they act what they have to do. As an executive of the student council, I was able to be close to my friends by hosting and participating in this event. If your school holds this event like our school, you should hold and participate in the "Friend's Day of Love" event.


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