기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-30 12:20:08

The serious infectious illness, Anthrax, is caused by the microbe Bacillus anthracis which is in the soil. Anthrax became widely known by a biological weapon in 2001. At that period, powdered anthrax spores were sent with letters in U.S. mail. This case killed five people and made 17 people sick. This is one of the worst attacks using biological weapon in the history of the United States.

Have you ever known that over 2,000 reindeers were killed by anthrax in Siberia this summer? 90 people of Nenets tribe were infected by anthrax, and 53 of the 90 people were children. A 12 year old boy was killed by anthrax. The director of the Federal Office for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Welfare said that Nenets tribe was infected because of their eating habits. Some tribes living in Yambol Peninsula still drink reindeers’ blood and raw meat. Children pull reindeers’ string with their teeth. The government incinerated the property of people who live in the Tundra Zone to stop spreading anthrax. Anthrax spores have strong resistance in extreme temperature differences. However, because of the rise of the temperature, anthrax, and lichen got into the animals that have weak resistance. Reindeers eat lichen mostly which is infected. Another reason is that there are too many reindeers in Yambol Peninsula. The pasture of Yambol Peninsula can raise reindeer up to 150 thousand. However, there are 700 thousand reindeers in Yambol Peninsula. Because the density of reindeer is high, the layer of the plant gets destroyed, and the diseases that were under the soil can be moved freely.

Recently, North Korea is making highly lethal biological weapons. They are learning biotechnology skills and building related equipment. The report said that biological weapon is more dangerous than nuclear weapons, and a single gallon of anthrax could end human life on Earth. People are afraid of being infected by a biological weapon because of the political situation related to North Korea. Therefore, they want to know the cure when they get infected. According to CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if someone is infected with anthrax, he/she must get medical care as quickly as possible to get full recovery.


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