Welcome to the Jeju Fire Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-01 10:16:04
  • 수정 2019-04-18 13:09:41

Do you have any plan like to travel in March? If you do not have any plan, how about going to Jeju Island? In March, Jeju Island has the largest festival. The name of the festival is the Jeju Fire Festival. You may wonder what the Jeju Fire Festival is. It is the largest festival in Jeju Island. People there have to set fire to old grasses and harmful insects for pasture. That is the tradition of the Jeju Fire Festival.


First of all, the festival will be held in March. People will be able to join in that festival for free, so many people like it as everyone likes free! This is the first advantage of the festival. Also, people who join the festival will be able to have a lot of experiences. For example, they will be able to tie up straws in sheaves and burn those. Literally, that is a great spectacle. Any festival has food like some foods of a food truck. The festival also has a lot of food trucks. Thus, we can enjoy the festival by having a lot of great experiences.


Next, we have to go to the festival early because there are so many people who want to see the great spectacle in that great place. So, people have to wait for a long time to get to some great places to see the great spectacle. If you want to see the great spectacle, you need to go to the festival very early.
If you do not have any plan in March, how about going to Jeju Island to join the Jeju Fire Festival? You will be able to have a lot of great experiences and enjoy a lot of foods for food trucks there. Welcome to Jeju Fire Festival.



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