The Festivals Held in Spring대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-24 10:12:41

When people think of spring, they are usually reminded of going on a picnic, many cherry blossom festivals, canola in Jeju Island, and other bright things. So, lots of flower festivals are held in spring, and people go to the festivals to see some flowers, take pictures, and make special memories with their family, friends, or lovers.

▲ It is the picture of the 2018 International Horticulture Goyand Korea.

The first festival is the 2019 International Horticulture Goyang Korea. It is an annual flower festival with the largest scale in South Korea, which is held in Island Lake Park from April 26th to May 12th. In this flower exhibition, the recent trend of flowers will be provided, and the representative flower of different countries and unusual plants will be shown. There will be an interior garden where people can see outstanding flower art works, exterior themed garden, cultural performance program, and flowers' market. This year, Wondang Flower Garden will be opened, and new flowers exhibition, flower farm field trip, and experience program will be opened to visitors.

▲ Tulips in Everland

In addition, there is the Everland Tulip Festival. It is held from March 16th until April 28th in Everland. In this festival, visitors can see not only tulips but also other spring flowers such as narcissus and grape hyacinth. Four Seasons Garden was changed to Magical Tulip Garden and was divided into six zones which are flower house, cafe, zoo, garden, and others. Also, there are special structures such as the five-meter hot air balloon and three-meter of big flower balloon, so they will make people feel as if they are in a magical garden.

▲ Cherry blossoms of Nami Island

Finally, we have the Cherry Blossom Festival at Nami Island. IT is held until May 12th in Nami Island. There are some places that make people enjoy hand-made beer and buy handicrafts which diverse sellers made. Also, "Self-BBQ & Snack Bar" is managed, and "Acoustic Busking","Korean Party", and "Nami Friends Parade" are provided. During this festival, there are lots of wonderful things to experience and performances to enjoy. In Nami Island, there are beautiful places that are good places to take some pictures.


By Kim Na-yeong


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