The Filming of “The Golden Ring”대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-24 10:20:30

The female announcer, standing on one side of the gymnasium, said the answer out loud as the students on the floor shook their whiteboards. It was the first question, and everyone survived. Then, this process continued until the 49th question, where the last remaining student failed to pass it.

▲ The final student of Samil Girls` High School

On the 2nd day of April, filming of a program named “The Golden Ring” took place in the gymnasium of Samil Girls' High School, Ulsan, South Korea. “The Golden Ring” is a famous program which telecasts every Sunday afternoon. Its purpose is to make a hundred students from a specific school solve 50 questions, and if they do, they can have a chance to ring the golden ring. The filming started early in the morning to about five in the afternoon. There were many intermittent events such as talent show, interviews, and recess.

▲ The hundred students of Samil preparing for filming

Students of the Samil Girls' High School had the opportunity to apply for the hundred students to solve the problem. Also, students who could not apply for the participants could make an application as a cheering squad, which had about a hundred and fifty students each for the morning and afternoon sessions. A hundred students of Samil were given problems to solve, and the cheering squad applauded for them every time the answer was announced. The last two people remained in the early 40s, and the last person was decided on the 46th question. However, the last student could not think of the answer to question number 49, which made the challenge of the high school to stop at that point.

▲ The last two students preparing to answer the question

The whole filming process was fun, but many people must have had a hard time planning all of this. Also, students of the school got to know that this program, which only runs for about two hours, had an all-day effort inside it. The Samil Girls' High School's program would be broadcasted on the 21st day of April, at seven o'clock. As one of the students in Samil Girls' High School, it was a great honor to take part in the entire filming process.

April 6th, 2019, by Jiyun Song


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