The New Projects of Yongin Everland대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-24 10:21:44

Whenever we go on a school trip, we usually go to Everland in Yongin. Taking the same rides and seeing the same scenes may make you bored. There is no other thing to watch there expect the parade. However, Everland is making new facilities at the back of T-express. One of them is the eco park. Also, it expands its Speedway Motor Track. In the beginning ot the eco park, Everland had been called Yongin farmland for two decades. The forest has plants and animals, and yoga programs and concerts were held there, but now, Caribbean Bay and other rides are there.

First, there are two trails in the eco park. One is the Plum Blossom Trail which is the main, and the other one is the Sky Trail. The eco park is the biggest botanical park, spanning 33,000 square meters. It has 700 plum trees including over 11 different species. It takes 40 minutes to walk around the garden, and the top of the garden has a good photo spot. The Sky Trail is decorated with bamboo trees and azalea flowers. Also, there are 30 bonsai plants. This eco park may be opened on May 6.

▲ behind T-express
▲ walking around cherry blossom

Second, Everland expands its Speedway Motor Track and makes a project which can make the children enjoy in the motor track. Everland makes more seats for spectators, from 3,000 to 9,200 seats. Also, Everland is targeting children who come to Everland because it prepared three programs for them. First, they can meet some of the former car racers. Second, they can see racing cars and large tracks. Third, the main experience, taxi driving, is prepared. Children can ride on a real race car, speeding around the track.

▲ speedway in Everland

Everland holds festivals such as Tulip Festival, Rose Festival and Cherry Blossom Festival monthly. Making more environmental facilities seems to be the plan of Yongin Everland. When you go on your next school trip, how about enjoying other courses and leaving meaningful pictures in the eco park and motor track?

April 6th, 2019

by 하윤오


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