Humanitarian aid to N. Korea should be UNCONDITIONAL: FM nominee대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-05-25 19:20:48

Kang Kyung-wha, President Moon Jae-in's pick for foreign minister, said Thursday humanitarian aid to North Korea should come with no strings attached.

Still, she called for taking "stern measures" against Pyongyang if it continues with its military provocations.

Her view is in line with Moon's pursuit of sanctions and dialogue simultaneously in resolving the North Korean nuclear crisis.

"Humanitarian aid for those who suffer is something that is related to universal values and should be dealt with separately from political considerations," Kang told reporters upon her arrival at Incheon International Airport. "This is also a principle of the U.N. and I think we should act accordingly."

Kang, who has been working at the United Nations for the last decade, said an "in-depth review" should come in advance before determining countermeasures on North Korea's ballistic missile tests.

However, she said "more powerful sanctions" will be needed if there are any additional provocations.

Diplomatic sources speculated her belief on North Korea policy is influenced by her experience at the U.N.

She was serving as senior policy adviser to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres when Moon nominated her as his first foreign minister, Sunday.

She also built her U.N. career as the assistant secretary-general at the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, deputy high commissioner for the Human Rights Office of the High Commission and chairwoman of the Commission on the Status of Women.

"Kang's remark reflects the U.N. Security Council's discussion over North Korea's latest missile tests on May 14 and 21," a source said. "It is also in line with Moon's call for stern measures on Pyongyang while seeking to resume inter-Korean dialogue at the same time."

Kang will be subject to a National Assembly confirmation hearing.

Although it has condemned North Korea's latest missile launches, the Moon administration has been moving toward resuming civilian exchanges between the two Koreas.

On Wednesday, a Cheong Wa Dae official said National Security Office chief Chung Ui-yong is considering whether to allow a group of human rights activists in Seoul to visit Pyongyang.

"Chung appears to be positive about the plan," the official said.

If allowed, a 17-member delegation will visit North Korea, June 10, to discuss relevant issues with its counterpart.

The delegates will include legislators Won Hye-young of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea and Chung Jung-bae of the People's Party.


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