A Docter Who Cure Animals: Veterinarian대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-05-16 10:31:00

Have you ever heard about the occupation veterinarian? Nowadays, people's thinking about pets and animals changed because of society's development. In the past, the attitude of treating animals was not respectful, but now, the rights of animals are well guaranteed due to changes in society. As a result, the number of families raising pets has increased, and the area of veterinarians has been greatly expanded recently. So, we can treat veterinarian as a growing career.

In the past, we focused on the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. However, in accordance with the changes in the socio-cultural environment and rapid economic growth, we have developed a new animal care technology, and we conserved wild and aquatic animals. They have expanded extensively. Veterinarians are divided into clinical doctors and non-clinical veterinarians. Clinical veterinarians are veterinarians who treat animals in veterinary clinics that we often see. Animals in veterinary clinics are divided into small animals and large animals. A non-clinical veterinarian is a veterinarian who works in the government or who does research. I am a clinical veterinary because I work in a vet clinic.

There is Betsy Feighner's, a veterinarian. She talks about her job and her life. She cures puppies and kittens ten hours a day. She says she has no rest time when she is working. She always stands at the hospital excluding when she counsels with owners, and she does not eat lunch because she does not have enough time to eat lunch. Like this, veterinarian is a very weary job. But, she says that meeting with them, curing some animals, seeing animal's recovering, and achieving her goals are the causes of her happiness.

If you want to be a veterinarian, you need to complete a bachelor's degree program. Next, earn a doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Then, become a licensed veterinarian. Then, gain experience in the field. It will be useful when you make your own hospital and get employed. Lastly, you should become certified in a specialty and join a professional association. Just try to achieve your goal.

A veterinarian is an animal doctor who cares, cures and researches about animals. It demands high levels of education, and experiences. Also, when you become a veterinarian, it will be very strenuous because it requires a high stamina. However, we can feel happiness through this job. We can meet many people, and pets, and we can get some new experience, and knowledge. Veterinarian is growing with other jobs, and it will grow more and more.

[덧붙이는 글]
I also want to be a veterinarian and I would be glad if this article helped you find your dream. Thank you for watching my article.

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