ASMR Craze in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-03 16:13:56

You may have heard the acronym ASMR on the Internet or TV once in your life. These days, ASMR is gaining huge popularity. The direct translation of the term ASMR, autonomous sensory meridian response, which seems like a grandiose medical-related term, is just a neologism. The site where ASMR uploaders and users are most active is definitely YouTube.

▲ making sound with brush

ASMR is a theory that just by stimulating five senses, the brain feels a sense of comfort and a sense of psychological stability. This concept is just a new word. It has long been around us as an idea of something indescribable but pleasant stimuli that is common in everyday life. For example, the comfort of someone's kindness or the thrill of whispering in your ear makes you feel relaxed and at peace. So, sound sources and videos making one feel this sensation have been popular on Youtube and more.

▲ Korean ASMR Youtuber `Dana`

Originally, ASMR meant "a sound that brings a sense of mental stability," so it also included music that gives a sense of psychological stability and daily noise. However, later on, the limited meaning of "humanizing tickling the ear or whispering in a small voice" became stronger. Therefore, daily noise is treated as a subclass of ASMR. The effects of natural or every day sound like noise are more often expressed as relaxation sound or ambiance sound instead of ASMR.

▲ microphone and headset

All ASMR sources are copyrighted by the person who has recorded them directly with a relevant device or by the person who has provided the voice of the source. Fortunately, most ASMR music sources often spread on the web for non-profit purposes, and there is nothing wrong with individuals downloading or listening to music that has spread for this purpose. However, if someone is trying to re-upload these sounds under their name on the Internet and create their own profits from them, it is strictly illegal.

May 5th, 2019 by Lim Hyun-woo


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