Unique Inventions in the Future대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-03 16:15:02

Do you have any inconvenience in your life? All people will have dissatisfaction with uncomfortable points in their life. However, unique inventions in the future will improve your life. There are a lot of inventions which will be invented in the future and let us see the three things among them.
The first thing is a special smartphone case. This protects the impact on a smartphone by causing something similar to an airbag to come out when it falls. The sensors that are installed in smartphone cases detect that smartphones are falling and if they detect falling, they will protect edges of smartphones by spreading out eight thin metal plates that had been rolled into them. Then you can put the metal plates back into the case and use them again.

▲ This is the unique smartphone case.

The next thing is the robot which can deliver things. It is a two-legged robot with both arms. This can walk in a balanced manner, open doors or lift and move objects weighing up to 18 kilograms. It has integrated sensors that are based on artificial intelligence 'Deep Learning LiDAR sensors'. The sensors make the robot recognize obstacles easily and avoid them in messy rooms and stairs.

▲ This robot can deliver things that we need.

The last thing is the underwater drone. The drone, named BIKI, is made by Bobo, a company specializing in underwater robots, and features a 4K UHD camera and a maximum depth of about 60 meters.

▲ This is the underwater drone.

Future inventions like these things will help your life be better. By the time goes, technology is developed continuously. Thanks for this, we can have a better life as now and the future. Bill Gates said "The United Nations' Global Goals calls on countries to eliminate poverty and hunger, promote education and gender equality, and generally work toward a more equitable and sustainable future. Technological breakthroughs will play a critical role in helping countries to achieve these goals." In the far future, it will be a different world which we cannot expect.


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