The Cherry Blossoms Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-03 16:16:48

Where do you usually go to see cherry blossoms in spring? If you do not know where to go, it will be good to go to Ulsan Jackcheonjeong for the Cherry Blossoms Festival. The 2019 Cherry Blossoms Festival is held on March twenty-ninth to March thirty-first in Ulsan Ulju-gun Jackcheonjeong. Also, the food market will be held until April thirteenth.

▲ Ulsan Jackcheonjeong Cherry Blossoms Festival

Moreover, this cherry blossoms festival has been holding for nearly one hundred years. Also, there is a one-kilometer cherry blossoms tunnel, and there are two hundred twenty royal trees. Furthermore, in this year's festival, singers, Kim Yong Im, Seo Ji Oh, Shin Ki Ryu, and Oh Yeon Lee will come and perform. Also, you can enjoy the food market there. This year, the Ulsan government said that they will get rid of illegal street vendors, so you could enjoy a cleaner festival.

Jackcheonjeong Cherry Blossoms Festival has a night market and a few amusement park rides. My friend, Minju, who went there said that the cherry blossom was so pretty, and it was good to take a picture. Also, she thought it would be very dirty because her town's cherry blossom festival is dirty. However, this festival was cleaner than she thought. Lastly, she said that she thinks a few amusement park rides were good because she could play there when she felt bored. Another interview with a blogger who went there, Ribra, she said, that there was a road paralysis, so she felt very uncomfortable because of a car. However, she could take a rest because there were a lot of shelter spaces.

▲ Ulsan Jackcheonjeong Cherry Blossoms Festival at night

In the Cherry Blossom Festival, there was only a little space to park, but there are too many cars which are trying to park, so it will be hard to park. To solve this, you can use a near campground like Deung Uk Alps campground, so you do not have to park at the festival park ground. Then, you will be able to enjoy a more comfortable festival. If you have a chance, I believe it will be good to come and enjoy this festival.


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