Shinil Middle School‘s Job Experience Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-07 16:09:58

Have you ever tried participating in a job experience program? Almost every student participate in the job experience program in the first grade in school, but Shinil Middle School does the program in the first grade and third grade in school. The school calls professional instructors, and they explain the jobs' advantages and disadvantages, and some students find their future jobs. This event will be held from May 2 to 3. Moreover, they can experience some jobs with a professional instructor's help.

Through the job experience program, some students find their future jobs. My school's student, Jaerim Kim, says, that after a job experience, I had thought about her future. Then, she finally found her future job and decided to study hard for her future job. Also, Jaerim Kim says that she could find her job through the job experience in the first grade, and she believes that other students can find their future job in job experience program.

On the contrary, there are many students who oppose the job experience program. If it was not implemented, they have to go on a retreat, and some students prefer a retreat than a job experience. The other school's student, Yujin Park, says that retreat's original purpose is to train our mind, but there are also other purposes. One of them is to build up memories. Finding a job is important, but building up memories is more important in our ages. Yujin also told me that many students may agree with her opinion.

There are two sides: agreeing on a job experience program and disagreeing on it. Some students insist to go on a retreat like the other schools. There are many opinions about the job experience program. This year, the job experience program will start soon. I hope that many students can find their future job.


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