Books that Made as Dramas Craze of K-dramas대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-07 16:39:53

▲ drama of ˝Moonlight Drawn by Clouds˝

Is there anybody who does not know K-drama? Maybe there is no one. Many people in the world like Korean music and dramas. So, Korean dramas became popular all over the world. Among these dramas, there are those that are based on novels such as "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds", and "The Moon Embracing the Sun." These dramas help increase K-dramas reputation and popularity.

First, "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds" is a Korean drama that was broadcasted from Agust 22, 2016 to October 18, 2016. It was made in Korea's broadcasting studio, KBS. The original writer's name is Su Yoon. This drama's main actor and actress are Bo Gum Park and Yoo Jung Kim. The drama's viewer rating was 23.3 percent. This drama was loved by many viewers. The original work, which is the novel, is also loved by many readers. In fact, the original novel's accumulated rate is 20 million.

Second, "The Moon Embracing the Sun" is also a Korean drama that was broadcasted from January 4, 2012, to March 5, 2012. It was made in Korea's broadcasting studio, MBC. The original writer's name is Eun Gawn Seong. The main actor and actress are Su Hyeon Kim and Ga In Han. Its viewer rating was 42.2 percent. After this drama, no other drama has ever broken this record in weekday dramas. It holds the highest record so far. This drama's original work is also loved by many readers. In fact, its accumulated rate is 80 million.

"Moonlight Drawn by Clouds" and "The Sun Embracing the Moon" novels made K-dramas more popular. As dramas are loved by many viewers, novels are also loved by many readers. They help increase K-dramas reputation. These days, Korean webtoon is also adapted into dramas but they are not as strong as the ones that are based on novels.

▲ novels of ˝Moonlight Drawn by Clouds˝


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