Subject Classroom System대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-07 16:51:47

Since a few years ago, some students have started to move from their classrooms to another in each class. They have their classes in certain classrooms with certain teachers. Some classrooms have desks for debate project, experimental tools for science class, and instruments for music class. These supplies which are required for each class are already prepared without any preparations of teachers.

▲ Students are having a class on the desks for debate.

This system is called Subject Classroom System. This system is introduced to promote a customizable education curriculum for students. Students take their classes by going to specialized private classrooms. These specialized classrooms provide a personalized classroom environment for each class and customized education programs for students. There are two types of subject classroom system. One is the Advanced Subject Classroom System. This system is that specialized classrooms are provided in every subject. So, students take their classes by using these classrooms in each class. Most classes are prepared for most subjects. The other is the Subject Focused Classroom System. This system provides students certain classrooms for only some subjects.

▲ This school has English classrooms for advanced subject classroom system.

After Subject Classroom System was introduced in South Korea, many things in school changed in many ways. First, public education satisfaction is highly increased. Second, students are able to have experimental interactive classes. Third, students learn more in their classes. Fourth, students are now focused on studying and education. Fifth, students can select their classes according to their ability. Lastly, students have more active and active classes than before.

However, some students in schools which promote subject classroom system say that it is hard to move in every class, and it is dangerous because their possessions can be stolen by someone while they are out of their classrooms. So, schools that enforce Advanced Subject Classroom System have a “home base”. In this “home base”, there is a sofa where students can take a rest if they are tired of going from one classroom to another. Also, there are desks, chairs, and computers to help students to foster a good study environment. Lockers are also prepared to decrease risks of students' loss of their possessions that is mentioned as one of the disadvantages of Subject Classroom System. This system helps students study more effectively than before and improve the quality of classes.

▲ This is one of the example of home base which students can study in a good environment.

May 19th, 2019

by Lee Dowon


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