Drawing a Fire Safety Poster대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-10 18:29:39

Performance assessment is very important. In Sinjung Elementary School, students including me drew a fire safety poster in art class. It was a performance assessment, and we did it together. We drew various pictures. Then, we let others know what we drew for the performance assessment.

First, we selected what to draw for the performance assessment. According to my friends, selecting what to draw was the hardest step of the performance assessment. Then, we drew various pictures of fir safety. I saw red fires, fire truck, and cigarette fire. I drew a cigarette fire because I believe it is the main culprit of fire. After that, we painted pictures. Then, we completed, so we gave all of our posters to our teacher. Two days later, the teacher gave deserving students the best award. He gave them to students who drew a picture related to the topic and who had an aesthetic sense. Although I did not get an award, it was very good that I drew the picture of fire safety.

▲ a student drew a fire safety poster

I believe it was a very good experience for the elementary school students to have a performance assessment because students can prepare for it beforehand. In middle schools, there are many difficult performance assessments than in elementary schools. One of the students in Sinjung Elementary School, Dong Hoon Yu, said that selecting a picture to draw was a little difficult, but it was a very good experience.

▲ students are doing performance assessment

Sinjung Elementary School students had very interesting and new experiences. By participating in these school projects, students can develop their potential abilities.


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