Onggi Festival in Uljugun, Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-10 18:31:15

Do you have any festival in your neighborhood? Ulsan has lots of festivals such as Whale Festival, Rose Festival, Bulgogi Festival and many more. However, among those festivals, the best one is Onggi Festival which is held in Onggi Village, Onyang-eup, Uljugun, Ulsan. This festival is different from any other festivals since it has various programs which people can enjoy without any fee.

▲ poster to advertise Onggi Festival, 2019 (pictured by Naver)

Onggi Festival kicks off around the first week of May and lasts for four days every year depending on the weather condition. There is a program that you should undergo surely. If you go to Onggi Madang, you can participate in a program where you can make an onggi personally. It has a fee that you have to pay, but it only costs 1000won or 2000won. It is a very cheap price to make onggi. Also, if you submit your own onggi that you made, you can take part in the onggi contest. It will be certainly a good experience for you.

This year, Onggi Festival celebrates its 20th anniversary. The festival was firstly held in 2000, and it has been receiving a lot of awards for a long time. It has the title of Culture and Tourism Ministry Designated Promising Festival, and Best Festival in the first and second Korean Festival. Also, it got third place in the festivals that people want to go and visit. Onggi Festival Promotion Committee chairman said that they will prepare for the coming Onggi Festival so that they can eliminate the ritual opening ceremony or unnecessary protocol and create a garden in Daedong where Ulju County residents and tourists alike can be one.

▲ a lot of Onggi that 7 Onggi maters made (pictured by Naver)

Originally, the main purpose of Onggi Festival is to advertise Ulsan and onggi by holding a festival in Ulsan, the place where the seven onggi by masters produced onggi in their own ways. The festival started off small to strive for advertising the local trademark to the people. However, now, it has become a huge festival which people just come and enjoy the festival in their own manner. Why not come to Ulsan and enjoy Onggi Festival in your own way?


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