The Project to Make a Town Map대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-10 18:42:07

Beomeseo Middle School does a project to make the map in their town. In this school, the school wants to know the town because students just play games a lot in their house, so they do not know the town.

▲ It is the mark of Beomseo Middle School

This school does this project in the first semester, especially first year students. They do it in the social class. This is the test, so if they do very well, they can get a good score. Then, the teacher lets students introduce their map. The procedure of this project is first, they find a map of their town. Second, they prepare a big paper. Third, they draw a big road first in the paper. Fourth, they draw a road and draw the stores in the map. After, they draw the map, and they color it. They write the taste and explain the details of the map. Then, they introduce their map to their classmates. Lastly, classmates evaluate their map.

▲ They are doing a project.

After this project, the school's students know their town because they do a game in the house, so they do not know a lot about their school. So, they make another hobby like sports or art. Also, the student in Beomseo Middle School, Jang Tae Won, says that he did not know about his town because he only familiarized his house, bust after this project, he got the time to have a hobby, boxing. He added that think it is a very good project to students, and most students of Beomseo Middle School got the score A because they do investigate their town to get score A.

It is a very good project to know the town. Besides, another school does this project in the first semester for first year students, too.


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