Seo Girls Middle School‘s \"We Class\" project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-18 16:36:12

Arriving at the puberty stage, many teenagers have lots of concerns and thoughts such as relationship between friends or family, their future, and life. If they cannot solve their concerns, they get a really hard time. This also results in teenage suicide. To prevent this problem and to help students, there are many counseling centers for teenagers. This also happens in schools as project classes. In Seo Girls Middle School, they have a counseling project which is called “We Class”.

▲ the student who has trouble in friendship

“We Class” project is a counseling center which is operated by the teacher-in-charge and some selected students. They have a duty to maintain the secrets of the students who come to have a consultation. This “We Class” project is operated every day at any time except on weekends. At Seo Girls Middle School, students usually do some surveys in “We Class” project. The surveys are about whether the life in the school is fine or not, whether the life in the family is fine or not, and whether the students have any concerns these days, none. Also, they often advertise their project to students by giving some candies.

The students who participated in the “We Class” project who had a consultation about their relationship with their friends, said that they got big help from “We Class” project. As the project is operated not only by a teacher but also by students, they could comfortably say and receive appropriate and helpful comments. Sujin Lee, who participated in the project said, he had been feeling really hard about his friendship then. He did not know what he should do, and his friend got worse and worse. So, he cried every night at home alone. However, after consulting at the “We Class”, his feeling got better, and his friends became better, too! He really appreciates the project.

▲ the student who got help from ˝We Class˝

“We Class’s” goal is to make students become happy from their difficult life and make students like to come to school. The project became successful because the statistic survey of the project from students was good. Ninety percent of the students said that the project is helpful.

By doing this “We Class” project, in Seo Girls Middle School, students want to come to school and raise their faith about school. They are looking forward to this project to be continued.


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