TTHAD deployment permission of China, what should we do?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-11 22:38:00
  • 수정 2017-06-11 22:39:22

On the 15th day of this month, due to finishing to Beijing branch, 55 Lotte Mart's standing point markets of China will be closed their shops among 97 stores. This event shows one part of China's trade retaliation to South Korea well. It is because of TTHAD deployment permission of the Korean government.
Not only Korean major firms like Lotte or Samsung, but also medium and small firms are damaged largely. Small traders who deliver goods to shops bother their heads because of Korean goods boycott. According to one provision merchant of A market, who is dealing in herbs and bean sprouts, local shops even do not get the herbs with the Korean words on their wrappings.

To make matters worse, a bigger problem is another one. Some main exports, which save Korean economy, have already become the object of boycotts. To be specific, LCD, which is our best export to China, has 11.7 percent of the profit from the trade with China. LCD imports of China depend on Korea about 39.7 percent already. However, Korea exports China about 72.3 percent of all LCD output. This structure can damage Korea fatally. Moreover, this case is better one than others. A closer look, on the other side, other kind of goods cannot affect China by stopping trade but Korea does.

Then, what should we do? There are two methods to fix this situation fundamentally. First one is raising the competitiveness of our export basically. It says that China cannot ignore the relationship to South Korea because of the necessity of the goods that we produce. Scarcity of goods possessing high quality have enough virtue to consider the country to equal perspective. Second of all, expanding markets worldwide can be the other way to overcome this event. The main reason that we should be dragged by China is our economy itself relies on export enormously, especially to China.


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