Humanism Concert in Suseong High School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-12 10:48:34

Have you ever seen the concert that improves student's personality? Generally, people who are professionally engaged in theatre area can perform the concert. The concert seems like difficult for common people. However, Suseong High School is little different. In Suseong High School, students decorate the concert and make the video. Also, the whole school can see the live concert on TV. The broadcast team makes the video as soon as the concert starts and airs it on TV live. How can we do to prepare this concert?

▲ One student is playing violin during the Humanism concert

First, students will assemble two or three friends to make a performance. Second, they have to decide the topic which is connected with the personality. Third, students should receive the permission from teachers who are in charge of the concert. Lastly, they should use little ability and creativity to stimulate other students' interest.

Kim Gyueun, a sophomore in Suseong High School, said that she likes to watch the concert. It is fun for her to see the Tuesday personality concert which is made by her friends. Also, she likes the thing that she has a chance to participate in the concert. A teacher who is in charge of concert said that is hard for students to make a performance. However, he thinks that the process of making a performance can be meaningful to students.

▲ Students are playing with piano and clarinet.

In this way, there are many advantages to participate in Tuesday personality concert. Students should put efforts into the performance, however, this can be backbreaking for students. On the other hand, many students' can enjoy together. Also, when we prepare the concert hard, we can raise our personality into a smoother one.


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