Aerobics Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-12 10:50:02
  • 수정 2019-06-12 10:50:49

In Seoyeoja middle school in Ulsan, there is a unique project, which is the aerobics project. This is a project which requires students to make aerobic movements, and this promotes their teamwork by holding a contest with each class. So, most of the students practice aerobics hard to win in the contest. The aerobics contest is in April or May at the Lakeside Square in Ulsan, and all students of the school participate in this contest.

▲ Aerobics Project

In 2019, the aerobics contest is going to be in its 25th. Therefore, most of the people call the aerobics project a custom of Seoyeoja Middle School. The school does this project to improve physical fitness for the health of students and to improve the spirit of teamwork. A lot of students become closer to other students through the aerobics project.
According to a graduate student of Seoyeoja Middle School, she said that she hated exercising and could not socialize with her friends and began to like exercising because of the aerobics project. Also, Yejoo Na, a student of Seoyeoja Middle School, said that aerobics project is very enjoyable because he can release his energy. These interviews mean that the students also like the aerobics project and think that it is helpful for them.

▲ The Picture of Students

While the students practice the aerobics project, they keep their studying time thoroughly, so it is a balance of doing activities and studying. Therefore, the aerobics project has a good effect on academic career improvement. However, there are also demerits in the aerobics project. One of them is that the students become busy because they should practice for it and study for the tests.


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