Ministry of Environment Made an Agreement with Three Home Shopping대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-19 10:31:38

Today, we can see increasing disposable products' ratio and most of the shopping stores to use ones when they pack some product. However, it can make endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Thus, there was a convention about the agreement on three home shopping stores with the Ministry of Environment. This department suggested that stores should not encourage pollution. It is because the representative cause of pollution is found nearby shopping streets. The Ministry of Environment is trying to protect some places where they need to develop such as polluted sea and wordless forest.

▲ the Ministry of Environment logo

According to the Korea Integrated Logistics Association, last year, Korea received 2.54 billion parcels, and there are 49 parcels per citizen. Nevertheless, many businesses were not concerned about the materials used in packing and we still easily find these things called disposable products.

The Ministry of Environment made an agreement with three home shopping stores. That is, their way to try to fix the problem that causes a polluted environment and global warming. Also, they launched an agreement on reducing the distribution of packing materials with Lotte, CJ, and Logis ALL.

In the past, the Ministry of Environment tried to reduce the space of packing ratio and the number of packing. It is effective that they engaged in many businesses by strengthening their order.

▲ parcels

An agreement which was announced this year involved customized appropriate packing plan and prevention of excessive packing. It can lead to reduced plastic waste ratio. Also, the government seeks and pushes ahead methods like not using tape box, paper tape, and many others by this agreement. This government policy promotes the use of eco-friendly packing materials. Moreover, they will expand on e-commerce.

▲ Recycling of resource

Still, our big interest and issue are the environment because it is a sensitive problem in connection with us. The Ministry of Environment is trying to make "recycling of resource society" through their policy and effort. Also, our environment has a big connection with their role. Thus, the Ministry of Environment's role is important and essential in our country.

May 22nd, 2019

by 제서연


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