Surprising Tattooist, Ahn Li-na대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-19 13:29:44

South Korea is a conservative country about art, especially about tattoos. Ahn Li-na, a tattooist who is covered with tattoos, catches the people's attention whenever she walks on the street. She is 25 years old and a married tattooist. Many people see her as a deviant person. Also, South Korea has a law that if you have a large tattoo, and you show it off in public, you will be punished by the law. Ahn Li-na wants to defy this stereotype to change people's perception.

Ahn Li-na wanted to pursue her career in art, so she began to know about skin art which is she really wanted. At the age of 20, she started to work as an apprentice in a tattoo shop and got tattoos by a professional tattooist to learn the craft of tattoo. Also, she said that some people may laugh at her, but she started getting tattooed to be able to understand the pain from the needlework on each part of the body.

▲ Ahn Li-na`s street fasion with colorful tattoos

Moreover, Ahn Li-na was fined because of causing revulsion in the public, but her passion is so awesome. She said that the value of all her tattoos if combined can easily match that of quite an expensive car. Although old people are displeased, she considers her tattoos value. As a tattooist, old school is her taste. Old school's feature is its vivid color and simple design, but currently, she said that she wants to challenge a detailed one.

▲ Ahn Li-na also has tattoos on her head

In addition, Ahn Li-na is opening a YouTube channel about the tattoo and a tattooist's life because she wants to defy people's stereotype about the tattoo and to change the perception of people. As we see her tattoos, we can say that getting a tattoo is natural, and it is a part of art which can be longer. Getting a tattoo of your family on your body like that of Ahn can be a memorable experience and a more friendly tattoo.

▲ Tutorial of covering tattoos in her YouTube channel

June 8th, 2019

by 하윤오


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