Medecins Sans Frontieres대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-24 09:56:05

Medecins Sans Frontieres means national humanitarianism medical aid group. "We go where the patients are." It is the ideology of establishment in MSF. The co-founder of MSF, Bernard Kouchner, said that it was not a coincidence that they made the name of the group, Medecins Sans Frontieres. MSF was founded in 1971 by French doctors and medical journalists. MSF works on around 70 countries such as Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Iraq which need help.

▲ This the picture of the countries which the MSF works on.

MSF has rules of activity. First, there is justice and neutrality. It is because MSF is national humanitarianism medical aid group. Second, there is independence. They operate the group and solve the problem of operating expense with a contribution. Third, there is accountability. they explain their activities to the patients and sponsors. Fourth, there is medical ethics. They work in many countries following medical ethics. Fifth, there are activities of testimony. They try hard to rectify a fault.

MSF has activity process. They follow the process when they provide help. To give a hand, first, they take a situation of the country which needs help. Second, they collect information and decide whether they investigate the place which needs help. Third, they make emergency aid group which will embed to the place which needs help. Fourth, they save money by relief money, and they send relief commodity to the emergency aid group. They give a hand to the people who need help.

▲ This is the picture of the people who testimony about the fact.

MSF is the national humanitarianism medical aid group which runs by contribution. MSF has an ideology that we go where the patients are. MSF has rules of activity such as justice and neutrality, independence, accountability, medical ethics, and activities of testimony. MSF also has activity process when they give a hand to the country which needs help.

by Lim Hyeonjeong


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