Rainbows in Seoul대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-24 10:05:44

The Queer Parade, the festival for sex minorities was held on June 1st. This festival's purpose is to make people know the sex minorities are living with them and make all people be in harmony. Many queers were excited to participate in the festival. Along with them, detestable groups against queer gathered at the festival as well.

▲ Poster of Seoul Queer Parade

Many groups such as domestic human rights organizations, college sex minority club, also foreign embassies and political parties participated at the festival. In addition, the Korean beet brand Cass put up an advertisement in favor of the sexual minority. It is the first Korean company supporting queer. Therefore, participants in the Queer parade showed royalty by buying Cass beer. With many events, performances, and 74 kinds of booths, sexual minorities and others who were interested in them enjoyed the festival.

▲ Advertisement of Cass before the Queer Parade

There was also a dark side of the festival, Those who were opposed to queers gathered together and held signs and placards bearing 'All Gender Equality NO, Both Gender Equality YES' and chanted slogans such as "No to the enactment of the anti-discrimination law", "Homosexual is a sin". Moreover, one of the participants in the Queer Parade was stabbed by a stranger in the neck. Many Christian groups also rallied against them. In contrast, Buddhism groups participated in the parade and shared a fan to participants, so one SNS user said that Buddhism is the king of religions, and Cass is the king of beers.

▲ Banner of detestable groups against queer

It was better than the last Queer Parade in Incheon, however, there were still people who were against to queer to ruin the parade. There will be more crimes to sex minorities, and they guess that they will need a lot more times to be brave and strong from the people who do not accept them. However, the world will be changed by them.


Lee Yeonseo


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