Trump Promises‘ take Effect대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 00:07:07

When Trump was campaigning to be President he did so under the slogan “America First.” America first is a policy that America and American companies must make their profits first in all parts of industry before other governments and foreign companies. And  now that Trump has become the President, his “America First” policy will cause big damage to many countries including Korea.

One of his policy choices is that products that Americans use need be made in America. Americans can have more jobs and they can stop profit losses. This policy will have the biggest effect on China. Currently, China makes about 45 trillion won of profit peryear from America. China’s loses are bigger than Korea’s but Korea’s loss is not small.

Trump’s policy of renegotiation of the Korean and America FTA will cause big damage to the Korea economy. Trump tried to give some relief in a telephone conversation with the Korean foreign minister. But his thinking can change any time so we need to be wary. If we do the renegotiation, it could lead to an extreme American military evacuation or we will need to give more money to America. So Korea economy can be harmed. He can put more taxes on Korean products then our export will go down and jobs could disappear. We need to prepare in advance to solve these problems when they became actualities.

There are other problems too like America’s TPP withdrawal and Japan’s financial effect. His policies are a big concern to other countries. We need to be prepared and talk with America to go over this problem.

By Kwon Minjung, Park Hyoin


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