Busking Now!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-28 15:33:05

Have you been satisfied with your school event like a field trip on a sports day? These are the common things of the school events. However, our school has a special school event which our principal makes. It is busking.

Busking means students who want to sing a song of play with musical instruments in front of other students, so they can join the club and perform in front of others.

▲ -Busking in front of others

Before when there was no busking, no one came out from their classroom to meet someone or play a game. However, as soon as busking started the number of people came out from their classroom was increasing and now, many students come out to meet their friends and talk with them. Especially, the sixth grade students always come out because it is the last grade of elementary school. One student says that she wants to do the busking too. because it looks so funny that we can see our friends performing in front of others. Because of that, our principal says that he is hoping more people joining it than now. He is happy to see the busking and has a great time during the activity.

Make a nice memory can be a great turning point of one's life. Busking can be an example. Many students love the busking and though no busking day, students always come out and smile.

▲ -Because of a good memory, students can be happy

So, busking will be every year.


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