An Important Job in the Centennial Age: Biologist 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-16 16:43:11

These days, many people say that we will be able to live over 100 years, and there are people who fight against diseases and viruses such as Ebola virus, MERS, encephalitis, and many other viruses. In order to make a vaccine and medicine for these, there is a job called "biologist."

▲ Biologist

Biologists work for many things. They study about prolonging human's age, making a vaccine, and making scientific things by using microorganisms. Moreover, this career is related to genetic engineer, bio-engineer and many things.

A person has to go through a lot of hardship to be a biologist. So, it will be a big challenge if you dream to be a biologist. There is an interview with Professor Sung-ho Um who studies at Sungkyunkwan University about biology. He studies nanotechnology, and he will adopt this to various diseases. Also, he mentioned how he became interested in biology. He said he started to be interested in it when he was young, however, he went to the Department of Chemical Engineering. By chance, when he studied chemicals with biology, he took an interest in biology, and he became a biologist. Moreover, he shared the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a biologist. He believes the quality of education is not good. In other words, we cannot study biology well in South Korea. However, the view of biology is very good. Biology can be adopted in many things. For example, it can be adopted in food, medicine, environmental, chemical technology and many other things. Lastly, he said that we should study technology, math, and chemical biology to be a biologist. Also, we should practice patience, and be logical and analytics to be a biologist.

▲ Professor Sung-ho Um

Biology is used in our real life, and biologists fight against disease with science and technology for the sake of saving our health. Why not be a hero by making a vaccine and medicine?

By Yu-chan Kim


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