Veterinarian대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-16 16:45:33

These days, many people raise animals at home. Sometimes, their animals become sick because of various reasons. Then, they go to a veterinary clinic. A veterinarian is a person who cures sick animals. He needs to have careful observation and calmness which enables him to cope with the emergency.

▲ a picture which curing the dog

Usually, most people think a veterinarian only cures pet animals such as dogs and cats. However, a veterinarian can also cure and prevent diseases of industrial animals such as cows and pigs and marine organisms. Also, he can diagnose, treat, and research animals when diseases or injuries occur. There are two types of veterinarian, clinical veterinarian and non-clinical veterinarian. Clinical veterinarian cures animals at his or her own clinic. Non-clinical veterinarian studies about animals and works at a pharmaceutical company and fodder company.

Some people think that if they love animals, they can become a veterinarian. However, in an interview with Seoung Ho Kim, a clinical veterinarian, he said that if you want to be a veterinarian, consider it one more time and think about the reason why you choose this as your job. You cannot become a veterinarian only with the mindset that you love animals. Also, he said that to become a veterinarian is not an easy job, but you should not give up and should try more.

To become a veterinarian, it requires a lot of qualifications. First, you need to major in veterinary science. Second, you have to get a veterinary license. In addition, you can get a veterinarian certification through an examination. If you also take and pass the international examination, you can practice curing animals in a foreign country. Although to be a veterinarian is difficult, there are two important things to remember to become a veterinarian: careful observation and calmness.

▲ Students of Department of Veterinary Medicine

By Ye Ji Sohn


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