Sineon Middle School‘s Sports Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-18 14:50:43

Have you ever joined a middle school's sports day? Most schools have many events such as sports day, school trip and picnic. Sports day has many events in which all students play soccer, dodge ball, tug-of-war, and relay. All students of the school join and enjoy this day.

This event is the most exciting event in Sineon Middle School. The sports in this event are tug-of-war, dodgeball, soccer, and relay. Soccer is very popular among students. All events are qualified except relay. Then, on this day, they also play the final game. Moreover, on this day, students can wear the costume that they like. Most students wear a famous soccer team's uniform or comfortable clothes for each class. Some classes that are eliminated in the preliminary round still cheer and enjoy the day. Also, if a class wins a game, they can get a score. The more points they get, the more awards they will receive like a gift voucher.

▲ a student who is playing soccer in sports day

According to the interview of a student who joins sports day, the students enjoy the activities. Although they cannot join the final game, they still enjoy by cheering in other games. Moreover, they can learn teamwork while preparing for the sports day and build a friendship. Many students can get an award, and they use this for their classmate. Most students want to enjoy more activities because the activities are very enjoyable for them.

▲ tug-of-war

Sineon Middle School holds sports day every year. Other schools also have this kind of event. They enjoy and cheer hard even though the game is fierce because the prize is at stake. Many students learn team work and build a friendship while preparing for the sports day. Also, they enjoy and cheer for other classes on that day.


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